Did you know....
The District 211 Foundation had given out 65,000 scholarships dollars last year?


Township High School District 211 Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) organization that has been in existence since 1995. Its mission is to obtain and provide resources to enhance and enrich educational opportunities for the students, staff, and school community of Township High School District 211 that are beyond taxpayers' responsibility. Grants have been awarded at all District 211 schools.

The supported educational opportunities are directly related to:

  • Leadership
  • Technology/Science
  • College/Career Planning
  • Community
  • Wellness
  • Cultural Perspectives, Arts and Creativity
  • Positive Behavior Intervention & Support

Our History

The High School District 211 Foundation has existed since 1995 and its historical function of receiving and disbursing scholarship monies to students continues; however, the Foundation's scope was expanded in 2007 to focus on providing funding for innovative programs and materials to enhance and enrich students' educational experiences.

Contributions exceeding $200,000 from the Foundation Trustees and other Partner Donors have provided funds for Grants and were awarded to projects directly related to academics, the arts, student leadership, and community service. From providing incentives for at-risk readers to supporting a peer leadership program for freshmen students, the Grants provide experiences that are not normally funded from within the regular school budget.

Through tax-deductible donations, the Foundation will continue to provide new learning experiences for students that would not be possible without the Foundation's financial assistance.

For more information and a complete list of Grants, click here or the Grants tab at the top of the page.

Our Trustees

Dan Artman

Kate Finneran

Will Hinshaw

Donna Brand

Jerry Brand

Anna Klimkowicz
High School District 211
Board of Education President

Lisa Small
High School District 211

If you are interested in joining the Foundation Board, contact Erin Holmes, eholmes@d211.org.